My next two (three?) projects are very close to my heart. I shuffle them with a determination to finish all, but other factors in my life have really been slow in cooperating. Meanwhile though, some things are still getting finished and my short story "A Rubbed Out Sky" appears on the maiden issue of Plural Online Prose Journal.
About Plural:
PLURAL is an online prose journal that caters to fiction, nonfiction, and criticism geared towards prose.
Through PLURAL, we aim to provide a venue for writers to showcase their prose.
We welcome writing that, whether it concerns itself with realism, genre fiction, or hybrid forms, exhibits a contemporary sensibility.
By this we mean stories that are unafraid of reworking familiar narratives and perspectives that are both grounded and progressive.
Push the boundaries of prose, or tease at its edges.
We are PLURAL.
When I wrote this weird little tale about people who did online web versions of fanfiction, I didn't really think I would find an avenue to publish it. I just wanted to write the story and pay tribute to The X-Files in my own way. Truth be told, I have many stories that I scribble down and not all of them find literary homes. I'm glad this one did, and with such talented company as well. Please take time to read the issue online or download a (free!) copy onto your desktops and e-readers here. Just follow the links to get your choice of .epbub, .mobi, and .pdf. The gorgeous cover is by Kevin Roque.
You can also check out the book trailer while you wait for things to load: